A Bloated Stomach
In an ever fast paced life, our diets are becoming faster but not necessarily better. More and more people complain about being bloated. In this article we explain how SAiCS's products can help you with this problem.
As per the medical reviewed article from Cleveland Clinic referenced below, there are many causes of a bloated stomach. The symptoms experienced are being gassy, constipation, digestion problems and food intolerance. It regularly causes the stomach to swell and can also be related to hormonal fluctuations.
It is important to identify which symptoms you experience to determine whether you have a mild or severe case. In the case of mild symptoms, SAiCS highly concentrated & effective 100% natural products may be able to assist to relieve you instantly:
Detox Products:
A choice of 4 different scientifically formulated diet programs are sent with the purchase of our products.
Magnesium Supplement:
Our pure magnesium supplement contains the maximum permitted dosage with no additional harmful ingredients:
All our products contain Vitamins & Minerals essential to build your system and making you feel great whilst using them.
In the case of severe-, persistent or symptoms that worsen- and or become painful, it is advised that you visit a medical practitioner.
*It is important to note that SAiCS is not a medical institution and focuses on 100% natural products which has been researched, developed and perfected over 30+ years. The information contained herein is factual and can be verified with www.saics.co.za*
Reference: Cleveland Clinic Website (https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/symptoms/21740-bloated-stomach). Bloated Stomach. 09/10/2021. Accessed 05/08/2024
Processed foods contain no fiber and is high in salt and fat. Salt causes water retention, and fat slows down the digestive process because it takes longer to digest. All of these things can lead to constipation and bloating. Processed foods are also low in nutrition, so they will leave you feeling hungrier even after you’ve consumed a lot of calories. This leads to more eating and compounding the problem.
use our best selling detoxer to assist with the initial cleansing process then continue to do better food choices which is high in fibre and digests easier. sticking with fresh veggies, fruit and real protein like meat and eggs will help you maintain a good balance!
I will embark on a long journey to my goal weight with SAiCS incredible 100% natural weightloss products to assist me. Hoping to share more highlights with you here in future
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